
Friday, September 30, 2016

How I Started My Journey Towards a Happy Life - Part 1

I've always been the "thin guy" in the group. Since I was a child, it was very hard for me to put on pounds. I've also not had a good constitution, meaning, I thought I was weaker than average and would get sick with fever, or at the minimum, colds, quite often. It was normal for me to have morning sniffles.

I think a lot of it had to to with my bout with primary complex tuberculosis as a toddler and my diet. I would only eat fried meats and rice. I hated veggies and was not much of a fruit person. In my time, proper nutrition wasn't really given much thought in my family. As long as you're full after a meal, that's already a-okay.

I'm now in my mid-40's and, for quite some time, had already accepted the physical limitations and body aches of human beings my age. Though I look younger than most people my age (they say), I could now say that I wasn't really as healthy as I could be. Even though I try to eat as healthy as I can on a daily basis, do calisthenics 3x per week and play badminton at least once a week, I would often feel breathless and really tired after my workout or badminton sessions.

Besides the feeling of being physically depleted after these activities, I would also immediately feel pain on my knees when I bend them, like when I go down a flight of stairs. I accepted this already as normal for a person my age.
Unicity PrimeStart Cleansing Package
Day 0

Just recently, when I started my business with Unicity I initiated my health journey by taking a product called "PrimeStart". It is a colon-cleansing regimen which consisted of an anti-parasitic, a fiber drink blend, an aloe vera supplement and a probiotic.

On my second day using it, I noticed that my stool turned dark, almost black and it stank like rotting fish. As I have already been researching online about cleansing for quite some time, I recognized that what it was, was mucoid plaque, which I'd now refer to as "MP", MP is the mucus like material which coats the intestinal wall. Its mostly the remnants of foods which have passed through your digestive system throughout the years. It is very harmful as it constantly releases toxins into your bloodstream and prevents or hinders the absorption of nutrients.

I like to explain MP with this correlation - When we eat, we usually wash the plate after we use it, right? Would you eat in the same, used plate the day after? And the day after that? Without any washing? A month after? Or decades later?
Mucoid Plaque

This is the kind of "sludge" what we have in our guts, in all 28 feet of digestive "tubing". Years upon years, food has passed through it and we've not had a single "washing".

Many health-advocates state that mucoid plaque is the cause of most diseases plaquing us today due to the prevalence of processed foods and lack of fiber in what we regularly eat. Most therefore recommend that to be properly healthy, it is important to do a regular "cleansing" program like PrimeStart.

To show how critical a clean colon is for optimal health, watch this very informative video:

When I was researching before, the only way I knew to get rid of MP was to enroll in a week long "cleansing retreat" where they use a machine to pump warm water into your colon and literally "flush" it. So when I saw that we had a cleansing product which was highly recommended by everyone, including our co-member medical doctors, I immediately decided that I would do the program as soon as possible.

The results, so far, have been near, miraculous, in the past 3 weeks I've been taking PrimeStart...

How I Started My Journey Towards a Happy Life - Part 2, Results! - Soon to follow!

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